Production Needs

*highlighted items are completed
Clover for Horton to hold
Hand-held microphone
Large “Sally Jesse Rafael” type glasses
TV Camera with cord that can be carried
Field Patch of Clovers (2 feet deep by 3 feet long, at least)
Fabric for water (check The Biz)
16 fish-like Seuss creatures on dowels for movement
6 small life preserver rings
Seussical type comforter/pillow set for JoJos bed
Counter-height stool for Dr. Dake
2 buckets and mops
Parenting brochure
Hat with “helicopter” type spinner on the top
Large egg (nine to twelve inches)
Long scarf
Post card from palm beach
Four hunter guns – Nerf guns
Cut out of “Seusseby’s Auction House” logo for front of podium
Beach lounge chair
Tray and drink with a paper umbrella and straw
Large, bright (working) flashlight
2 Nurses caps
Flyer/Poster about the circus
Circus Props
Pillberry bush
2 Palm branches
Palm Tree (check The Biz)
2 inflatable instruments
Beach towel, sun glasses, beach bag
Circus souvenirs and cotton candy

Other needs:
Pool noodles
Tissue paper